The Academy Editions of Australian Literature
The ten volumes of the Academy Editions of Australian Literature were published between 1996 and 2007, sponsored by the Australian Academy of the Humanities. Paul Eggert was the general editor. His fellow members of the Editorial Board were Virginia Blain, Harold Love, Chris Tiffin and Elizabeth Webby. They and the members of the Advisory Board were drawn from universities around the country.
These scholarly editions are reference books of c. 800 pages, with comprehensive historical and textual introduction, extensively cross-referenced and with full annotation and apparatus. They were handsomely produced by UQP on archival-quality paper to a page design prepared by the late Alec Bolton of Brindabella Press, famous for its fine hand-printing.
To order go to http://www.uqp.uq.edu.au. For sample sections and pages, click on any title (below).
Published Titles
(soft cover and hardback formats)
- Henry Kingsley's The Recollections of Geoffry Hamlyn, ed. Stan Mellick, Patrick Morgan and Paul Eggert, 1996.
- The Journal of Annie Baxter Dawbin, ed. Lucy Frost, 1998. It is co-published with the State Library of NSW.
- Henry Handel Richardson's Maurice Guest, ed. Clive Probyn and Bruce Steele, 1998.
- Marcus Clarke's His Natural Life, ed. Lurline Stuart, 2001.
- Henry Handel Richardson's The Getting of Wisdom, ed. Clive Probyn and Bruce Steele, 2001.
- Catherine Martin's An Australian Girl, ed. Rosemary Campbell, 2002.
- The Collected Verse of Mary Gilmore, Volume 1, 1887-1929, ed. Jennifer Strauss, 2004
- Australian Plays for the Colonial Stage, 1834-1899 ed. Richard Fotheringham, 2006.
- Robbery Under Arms, by Rolf Boldrewood, ed. Paul Eggert and Elizabeth Webby, 2006.
- The Collected Verse of Mary Gilmore, Volume 2, 1930-1962 ed. Jennifer Strauss, 2007.
Orders for publications to:
Sales Department
University of Queensland Press
PO Box 4062
St Lucia QLD Australia 4067
Fax: 07 3365 1988 or International +617 3365 1988