Australian Scholarly Editions Centre Projects (ASEC)

The Textual Apparatus

This report may be of interest to readers from the fields of both information science and literature. In many ways these fields are the same, in that they deal with deriving meaning from strings of characters, but their respective developments have been very different, appealing to different types of people. This difference has lead to a parallel, but separate nomenclature in the two fields. For this reason I have included a glossary in this report to explain some of the terms which with readers of a particular discipline may not be familiar. The glossary may also be useful where a particular term has different meanings in the different fields. Glossary entries are in a bold typeface, and those that have two meanings are also underlined. To minimise the intrusion of the glossary references only the first occurrence of a glossary item in a chapter is indicated. In the glossary all occurrences of glossary items are indicated for completeness.

The normal font used for this document is Times Roman. Code fragment blocks appearing in the report are presented in Courier 9 point with the bold character style. References to these blocks of code appearing in the body text are in Courier 10 point bold. Some of the blocks of code are presented in condensed print so that they fit the width of the page. References to items in the bibliography appear in the following standard style;

[Optional page or section number, senior author, year]

The names of references or sections thereof that appear in the body of the text appear in the italic character style.

Some aspects of electronic editions are very new and therefore this report of necessity must make some reference to material which is only available through the World Wide Web (WWW). This will be done using the standard Uniform Resource Locator (URL) used on the WWW, as demonstrated below;

" "

The reader must recognise the ephemeral nature of such references and be prepared for the loss of such references over time.
